Juniper vQFX on KVM - Fedora
The last week I have been running vQFX10000 on KVM to get through some lab exercises. At the moment it is shipped as a Vagrant install with VMWare vmdk disks to be installed on VirtualBox. None of these products I run or have any interest in running, let alone combobulating all three together. Here are a quick few notes on getting it up and running under KVM.
Convert vmdk disks to raw images
Use the qemu-img program to convert the vmdk disk images to a raw format. These will later be mounted as an ide drive.
qemu-img convert -f vmdk /path/to/vqfx10k-re-15.1X53-D60.vmdk -O raw /path/to/vqfx10k-re-15.1X53-D60.raw qemu-img convert -f vmdk /path/to/vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.vmdk -O raw /path/to/qfx2/vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.raw
Setup internal RE-PFE Bridge
This will be the bridge that is configured on the second interface of each RE & PFE vm. Quicksmart!
brctl addbr qfx-int ifconfig qfx-int up
Create another bridge for your first dataplane interface xe-0/0/0.
brctl addbr dataplane ifconfig dataplane up
Note: Dataplane interfaces are installed on the Route Engine vm (not the Packet Forward Engine vm). Also dataplane interfaces will be configured starting at the fourth interface slot. The third interface slot is saved for an unused management interface.
Install Routing Engine
The only tricky thing about this install is the networking interfaces. I have openvswitch running which I connect all my lab equipment to a mgmt vlan as you can see from the install below. You will need to change this according to your own situation. The other interface cards are configured as bridges, which we just created.
virt-install \ --name re-hostname \ --memory 1024 \ --vcpus=1 \ --import \ --disk /path/to/vqfx10k-re-15.1X53-D60.raw,bus=ide,format=raw \ --network network=openvswitch-net,portgroup=mgmt,model=e1000 \ --network bridge=qfx-int,model=e1000 \ --network network=openvswitch-net,portgroup=mgmt,model=e1000 \ --network bridge=dataplane,model=e1000 \ --graphics none
Login with username root and password Juniper.
Install Packet Forward Engine
The install on the PFE is a little more simple as there are only two interface cards to be concerned with and we have covered these already.
virt-install \ --name pfe-hostname \ --memory 2048 \ --vcpus=1 \ --import \ --disk /path/to/vqfx10k-pfe-20160609-2.raw,bus=ide,format=raw \ --network network=openvswitch-net,portgroup=mgmt,model=e1000 \ --network bridge=qfx-int,model=e1000 \ --graphics none
Note: There is one big gotcha with the installation, as it starts. There will be no console output after the grub menu. So, when you see the grub menu, press e for “edit” and insert into the kernel line console=ttyS0 to continue. At this stage there is no reason to log into the PFE via console as it will become available via ssh once the management interface grabs an ip number from dhcp.
Login with username root and password no.
So when they have both had time to settle, you can check out out various commands to verify connectivity. Pretty neat huh!
{master:0} root@vqfx-re> show chassis pic fpc-slot 0 pic-slot 0 FPC slot 0, PIC slot 0 information: Type 48x 10G-SFP+ State Online PIC version 2.9 Uptime 35 seconds PIC port information: Fiber Xcvr vendor Wave- Xcvr Port Cable type type Xcvr vendor part number length Firmware 0 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 1 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 2 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 3 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 4 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 5 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 6 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 7 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 8 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 9 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 10 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0 11 10GBASE SR MM SumitomoElectric SPP5101SR-J3 850 nm 0.0