Fedora meet Jekyll (now play nicely)
Where better to start, than to write about “how to get this whole show on the road”.
A nice way to use GitHub Pages is to run Jekyll to handle the layout for your posts.
But first, you will have to setup your GitHub Pages site, so go here and return back once that is done.
Follows is a brief installation process under Fedora:
dnf install ruby-devel rubygem-bundler rpm-build libffi-devel
gem install jekyll
Once that installs you can change out from root and set up a jekyll directory in your home directory to build your site:
mkdir ~/Documents/jekyll
cd ~/Documents/jekyll
Next we create and start a new site:
/usr/local/bin/jekyll new networkfoo.github.io
cd networkfoo.github.io
/usr/local/bin/jekyll serve &
Navigate to localhost:4000 and from here you should be able to glean enough information to edit the example site to your own wishes.
The last bit to this puzzle (albeit, one that offers only a modicum of challenge), is to load this up to GitHub. Just push the contents of the working directory networkfoo.github.io
into your repository up on GitHub and then navigate to networkfoo.github.io.